Wednesday 21 December 2011

Goose eggs

Baby R had her first fall today. And I am to be blamed entirely.

I knew VERY well she loves to roll all over the place and can crawl forward quite well. It would be dangerous to put her on anywhere but the floor without supervision. But for convenience I still did, especially when the errand was quick. It had been good so far although a few close calls and I must have became complacent. After bathing Baby R this morning, I left her on the bed. Upon seeing her play with herself I turned my back away from her and proceed to clear the mess. 

My heart skipped a beat, I swear, when I heard the thud. There she was on the floor, face down. She didn't cry yet. I think she was in a shock! I quickly scooped her up and that was when the wailing started. It must had been painful! Daddy B rushed in too when he heard the wails and attempted to make her laugh while I pacificed her. To our surprise she stopped crying upon seeing Daddy B making faces. In fact she started laughing. Then crying when she remembered the pain. Then laughing again. Then crying and laughing at the same time. Haha. And soon she stopped crying, only whimpering slightly. What a brave girl Baby R is! 

I started to cry a little. I felt so goddamm guilty! Knowing the dangers involved, I risked her safety just for a little convenience. Bad mummy! 

Her responses our calls were normal and she seemed okay. Thank god. We proceed to check for injuries. There were none. Yet. It was around ten minutes later I saw 2 red bumps on the right of the scalp. They were not obvious, though enough to get ourselves worried. Daddy B pressed a pack of ice gently on the bumps for a few minutes while they slowly subsided. He took the credit of the recovery of course. Well, I thought they would subside eventually even without the cold compress. Haha.

I went to google infant falls and read on 'goose eggs'. Quite a cute name for bumps caused by knocks and falls. As the baby skin is delicate, swelling looks more obvious. They are not neccesarily serious and most likely nothing to be worried about. Like Baby R's bumps, they subsided within one hour. 

I didn't dare to tell my folks till now. They would be worried sick! They would scold and nag at me for hours i bet. I didn't see the need to worry them unneccesarily anyway, since the bumps had subsided. 

Since the fall, I refuse to let her off my sight. I was lucky this time round.  It could have been serious. 

I play and sing with her whenever she is on the bed. I make sure I am by her side. And if I need to be away eg, to pee, I would put her in the playpen. The playpen isn't exactly that safe anyway. She might climb over the railing and fall too, by the time she learns to stand *gasp*. And it wouldn't be long as her legs are growing stronger.

Our new place would be nicely renovated and ready to move in by next month. Maybe I might get her a queen sized mattress for her to roll around, with a gate at the room door. Or we could get her a bigger and more sturdy wooden cot, with height adjustable so she wouldn't be able to reach out and climb over. No matter what, I definately have learnt a lesson and am making our home a safe place to grow and learn! 

Thursday 15 December 2011

Constipation on the third day, we see a doctor.

We brought Baby R to the polyclinic after being constipated for 3 days. She had been trying to push the stools out all this while but would give up when she felt pain. And of course the more she doesn't poo the worse the contipation gets. My parents, being typical grandparents, were worried sick despite me telling them that constipation is a common issue in babies. They insisted we visit a doctor.

God knows what made us decide to go to the polyclinic instead of a private GP. The wait is torturous. Wait to get a number for registration, wait to register, wait to see doctor, wait to get medicine, then wait to pay. It took us a good two and a half hours just to get the medication we were looking for. Okay, the bill was a mere $6.50. That explains the queue I guess. But I swear I am never going back.  

We know exactly what he would prescribe - a bullet-like gel to be inserted into the anus. It would help in softening of the stools so to be passed out easily. The doctor also reassured us as long as there is no fever, vomiting or bloating we shouldn't be worried.  He also suggested changing the formula milk brand. 

I tried to insert the bullet up her and I doubt it was comfortable. She wriggled and pushed it out, and thus along with the stools. Oh my, they were rock hard. And blood-streaked from the friction too! Poor girl. I am sure it was painful! She cried non stop and there wasn't anything I could do. So I sang lullabys to smoothe her down. Yeah, it helped. Not. Haha. 

While she kept pushing the bullet out, I kept pushing it back in. It was one messy operation. My fingernails were poo-stained and the changing table clustered with wet wipes. She managed to pass quite a bit of greenish brown 'stones' by the end of the whole ordeal. 

We switch to Enfalac now and will see how it goes. As she dislikes drinking water, I dilute her formula milk so as to 'cheat' her to taking in more water. I also am introducing her pureed fruits like bananas, papayas and prunes for breakfast, other than the usual brown rice cereal/fish porridge for lunch and dinner. At least she is taking three proper meals a day like an adult. That means her milk intake is decreased and so is my supply. 

This morning she poo-ed again, but this time softer and normal-looking stools. I am glad the accumulated hard stools are no longer congested in her. Hopefully her new diet, with the change of formula milk brand works! 

Sunday 11 December 2011

A constipated Baby R

After the series of rashes, poor Baby R is having constipation. She is taking an awfully long time to poo these few days and all she excretes out are small greenish pebbles. She would push repeatedly until her whole face is red and sometimes she even cries in pain and frustration when her efforts are to no avail. 

I don't know if the decision to wean latching and slowly breastfeeding off is a right one. First, the rashes caused by formula milk powder. Now constipation is knocking on the door. I am guessing it is caused by the introduction of solid foods and maybe formula milk. 

She was not given water at all for the first 6 months despite my mum's nagging. 'Where got people never drink water, one?' But quoting doctors and lactating specialists, water is not needed if the baby is breastfed exclusively (which she was). Her paed, Dr Ong even said that the recipe for formula milk nowadays, unlike those from 20 years ago, is so good that babies who are formula milk-fed are as sufficiently hydrated. And indeed, she was well hydrated and grew well. Her stools were normal (watery and mustardy yellow), UNTIL she was introduced solids. I know constipation is a very common thing in kids and especially babies and I shouldn't be worried. As long as she takes in enough water and fibre. 

She doesn't drink much water. She would just chew and play with the teat as long as the content in the bottle is not milk. How irritating. Haha. I need to make her drink as much as possible. Cousin Christine suggested introducing the straw so it is like a novelty to her. But I doubt she can suck using a straw yet. I will try spoon feeding her (a novelty as well) and see how it goes. I bought some bottled prunes too to be added into her cereal. Hopefully it helps the way it affects thr bowel system of an adult. 

Let's hope the condition will improve these few days and I don't have to bring Baby R to the doctor.

Saturday 10 December 2011

The online forum follower

As Baby R was sleeping and I had nothing much to do, I decided to browse through the forums on 

Reently I found a list of threads dedicated to relationship problems. Reading the threads is like following a drama serial. It is that interesting. Cheating husbands, runaway maids, tyrant mother-in-laws, you name it, they have it. What is more interesting are the advices the rest give. 

Your husband cheated on you with a nightclub hostress? Live with it. There is no point being upset and going through divorce as all men cheat. It is best you pretend you have no idea at all so you wouldn't get too upset.

Not being able to conceive? Blame it on the person who sat on your matrimonial bed before you do, because 'you are not supposed to do that.' 

Lastly, make sure the maid you hired isn't born in the year of the tiger unless you want trouble at home!

Jokes aside, I learnt to take the content of these forums with a pinch of salt. I used to seek feedback when I had any minor query and follow advices religiously, thinking there wouldn't be any harm seeing that they are all experienced mummies. But soon I realise it is only adding on to my distress, especially with a lot of unsolicited advices. All babies grow and behave differently. It doesn't mean that my daughter would be weaker if she drinks lesser than your son. It is also pointless to compare or worry if she is not teething or crawling yet. Not only it is unhealthy (fancy being so competitive at her age!), it leads to unnecessary worrying that your child is not big enough, not eating enough, not smart enough or just not on par with the others. 

I have ever chanced upon a thread started by a lady crying that her two-year-old son fell on his head and he was bleeding. She was seeking advices online. What were you thinking, my dear?! Go to the doctor immediately! What can other mummies help you with behind the computer screens? Plus some advices fellow mummies give will only add on to your existing problem, really. 

I read these threads solely for entertainment purposes now, i.e. the relationship threads (some are really amusing). It is still useful if you need to buy/exchange second hand goods or seek reviews on a particular item. But if I am looking for information and issues regarding her development, I read parenting books and magazines. Some websites like and are quite useful if you are a first time mummy and are clueless about about taking care of your little ones (like me!). However for any other non-casual or urgent queries, I think it is best to see a doctor or specialist.

Friday 9 December 2011

'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'

'Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
     Up above the world so high,
     Like a diamond in the sky.

     When the blazing sun is gone,
     When he nothing shines upon,
     Then you show your little light,
     Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

     Then the traveller in the dark,
     Thanks you for your tiny spark,
     He could not see which way to go,
     If you did not twinkle so.

     In the dark blue sky you keep,
     And often through my curtains peep,
     For you never shut your eye,
     Till the sun is in the sky.

     As your bright and tiny spark,
     Lights the traveller in the dark.
     Though I know not what you are,
     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
     How I wonder what you are.
     Up above the world so high,
     Like a diamond in the sky.

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
     How I wonder what you are.'

I have tried many other lullabys like 'The Wheels On The Bus', 'London Bridge Is Falling Down' and my favourite 'Rock A Bye Baby' and nothing seems to work as well as this classic. Sometimes I would sing to 'The ABC Song' and occasionally to 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' as the tunes of these three songs are the same. Sometimes I would even make my own lyrics out like :'Mummy loves you ve-ry much, You will sleep tight with mum-my~'. And sometimes if I get impatient when she refuses to sleep after the same song on repeat 200 times, I would be mean and go:' Will you please knock out right now, Mum-my needs her sleep as well~'. Haha!

P.S. I only sing to the first two verses of this nursery rhyme lah. I didn't even know there is so much more behind until I wiki-ed it! And I doubt many people can sing to the whole song. Anyway it doesn't matter. I read somewhere babies at her age cannot make words out yet. So whatever lyrics you put in is blabble to her. It is the expression and tone of voice that matter when you speak to them. :D

Thursday 8 December 2011

Baby R loves her baths!

She loves bathing. It is amusing to see her splashing the water and laughing to herself in the tub sometimes.

Bathing Baby R is getting more challenging nowadays. She finds joy slapping the water and kicking around. Recently, she refuses to sit in the tub and demands to be held standing up. How to hold her and bath her at the same time? If she is feeling super active, she even jumps up and down, kicks the water and turns round and round! Of course, the bathroom floor is always flooded and messy by the end of her bathing session. Haha. Nonetheless, watching her have fun in the water makes me smile every time I bathe her. So much that I usually prepare the water to be slightly warmer so I can let her enjoy her bath longer.

The next challenge would be to pull her out of the water to get dressed. She cries EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to get her out. If possible, two people will be needed for this task. One to towel dry her and dress her as quick as possible and one to distract her. By toys, phone or whatever it takes to make her stop crying.

The little bucket very strategically positioned haha.

Daddy B bathing her on rare days

Having fun jumping in the water, on grandma's expense.

Monday 5 December 2011

A mummy at twenty three

I met my secondary school BFF Fely this afternoon. The last time she saw Baby R was on her baby shower (which was a long time ago) so I bought her along to our coffee date. Fely commented how Baby R has changed since her first month. Haha everybody says that. I think babies change the way they look everyday until they are like, two years old? I think she is starting to look like me more than like Daddy B. Good thing, no? Haha.

With my pretty ex-schoolmate

We had a great time catching up with each other, although it was only for an hour as Baby R was getting a little cranky. She talked about her clubbing nights and guys she met and went out with. It sounded fun, something I would love to do; meet new people, socialise, go out and have fun. Correction- something I would be doing if I hadn't met Daddy B and given birth to Baby R. Instead, I spent most of my time either at home or taking the lil' one to nearby shopping malls or parks for walks. Fret not, I may be looking back at my life before Baby R, but I am definately not regretting my current life.

No doubt life is a total different one after her birth. 24 hours a day seem a lot shorter than before. Preparation to go out takes twice as long. Despite that, I enjoy bringing her out with us. She loves going out too. We love kids-friendly malls like Vivo City, and parks like Kent Ridge Park for some greenery.

While friends are dancing away at Zouk, I am singing Baby R her lullaby. As I need to wake up at around 7am to prepare for the day, my bedtime is adjusted a lot earlier. I am usually asleep by 11pm. That is awfully early to a lot of my peers (the party has just started!). I also make healthier choices when it comes to food for the best quality of breastmilk (if there is such a thing). I do believe that what you eat affects the composition of milk nutrients. Other than avoiding the basic toxic ones like alcohol, MSG and caffeine, I think twice before digging into empty calories like fried food and sugary desserts. I also steer clear from instant noodles and cured meats. Although it sounds like a strict diet, I actually start to enjoy bland and lighter tasting food. I can eat homecooked fish porridge without seasoning every day. Of course there are days I have lunch at McDonald's and treat myself with my all-time favourite Ben & Jerry's. Cravings got to be satisfied lah. After a few months of healthier eating and sleeping, I actually FEEL healthier. They say your nails are the best indication of health. When I was flying, I had horrible, soft and peeling fingernails. It didn't help that I had to paint them red during work hours. They were so bad I had to put on fake nails. And of course it was a vicious cycle, the more I glued them with fake nails and painted them, the worse they got, and the more I glued them to cover them up. Every few weeks when I removed the fake nails, all I saw were soft paper-thin nail tissues. I wouldn't even call them fingernails! But now I am glad to be able to feel thick hard ones, although i have to trim them short. Because I turn in and wake up almost the same time everyday, I rarely get insomnia nowadays. As the result I feel more alert and refreshed every morning. My mood is also better and less foul even on lousy days as I am one who gets grumpy if I don't get enough rest (Daddy B knows best haha). Yes, I cannot emphasize further how important healthy eating and sufficient sleep is to one's being.

Instead of my favourite shops like Topshop, Forever21 and Zara, I prefer to shop in Mothercare, Kiddy Palace and even Toys R us now. I still love pretty clothes and dressing up. It is just there is only a limited range of clothes I wear now for easy breastfeeding. And perhaps I prefers to dress her up more than dressing myself up. Haha. It is also fun to shop for toys and gadgets for her. I am a classic example of why people would say, '小孩子的钱最容易赚'. I love buying overpriced yet useless stuff for her. (I recently bought a bottle handle which cost $11 each. Just because it was pink and I thought it would be good for her to learn to hold the bottle herself. As usual, I buy two of everything. One at my place, one at my mum's. My mum chided me for wasting money because she wasn't even attracted to it! Bah.)

'Shape' used to be my favourite read thanks to my calorie counting addiction. But I no longer have time to exercise * blushing with guilt* and the diet regimes they recommend are not applicable to breastfeeding mummies. I remember buying 'Cleo' from different countries in the world, so I get to read 4-5 different copies every month. Haha. But keeping up with latest trends no longer interest me that much. I seldom look for recommendation for skin care products and make up as I adore the ones I am using now and see no need to change. In fact I enjoy reading 'Young Parents' magazines more since my pregnancy with Baby R. I love browsing through the shopping list. I laugh to myself upon reading on how kids make their parents' lives upside down. I empathise on other mummies who wrote about coping with difficulties. I am touched by inspiring stories on women who overcome birth complications and grow strong. I learn parenting tips. I always think of sending Baby R's photo in for cutest baby contest. Haha.

Every decision you make you take a little, and have to give a little. Whether which to give and which to take depends on your priorities in life. I admit that I have made many sacrifices for Baby R, I have never regretted my decision of being a mummy. Like I have mentioned above, it is a totally different life I am leading as compared to a year ago, but I know I am enjoying every minute of it.